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BV 212
BV 212




Description: JETEX DESIGN: Light weight as power is moderate. All balsa construction is out. Tail surfaces and aft part of body must be very light to minimize nose ballast. Motor can be ahead of C.G. but too far will make model trim nose heavy with charge. --- Motor fixing should be simple but structure must not get in way of motor tearing in crash. Asbestos not necessary. --- A light model with large wing area must use a thin airfoil to keep speed up. -- Lifting stabilizer helps in reducing nose ballast. Rudder area can be very small. Smaller than for anything else, except H.L. gliders. 6% still seems too much on one design.

FLYING CHARACTERISTICS OF 100: Climbs straight out at 45° or completes one turn to right under power. --- Glide: Very wide rlght turn. --- Duration: 90 secs. or a little better in still damp evening air. --- Motor offset does not work well on this model. 10° offset tried but model was uncontrollable on windy day, although O.K. in calm. --- Glide very slow and gentle in spite of primitive airfoil. --- To adjust, shim stabilizer to influence model in direction desired. Restore glide by nose ballast. Effect of this procedure is very marked. With a model correctly designed only slight deviation from design setting should be necessary.
Keywords: jetex 100 ackerman
Date: 25.01.2021 02:47
Hits: 4235
Downloads: 8
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File size: 48.4 KB
Added by: nitrocharged

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