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MIG 19
MIG 19




Description: "It was such a nice day here in Aberdeen that I took a half day holiday and gave the Yak its first flight. I'm amazed to say that it flies better than my wildest expectations. The first flight showed a slight stall but it still gained a great deal of height before the motors expired, followed by a semi-stalled 'mushy' decent to earth. I removed the tail weight (blob of Blu-Tac on photo above) and gave it another go... this time it climbed away straight as an arrow... too straight in fact. It flew right out of the field and into an adjacent marshy/bog area. After yomping though the bog I eventually found the plane had come to rest in a big gorse bush, fortunately the only damage to the plane was a slight ding in the leading edge and a couple of minor punctures in the tissue.

I gave it another two flights managing to get a consistent gentle left turn trimmed into it on the final flight. All 4 flights were longer in duration than anything I've achieved so far with my Sukhoi, so to say I'm pleased is an understatement. It's also very stable which leads me to thinking that scale Anhedral could be built into the model without adverse effect, but I'll leave that to someone else.

The only tricky aspect of the flight performance is that it proved difficult to trim a consistent turn. I think this is most likely due to the variations in thrust between the motors resulting in first a gentle turn one way, then the other, then straight as a die... it's a model for big fields!"
Keywords: steve bage yak 25m rapier twin
Date: 09.03.2021 12:02
Hits: 2643
Downloads: 7
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File size: 59.2 KB
Added by: nitrocharged

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