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Description: Opel Hatry (aka Opel Rak.1). Scale Jetex model. Subject is the world's first purpose-built rocket-powered aircraft, from 1929.

This plan is from Model Aircraft, March 1956. Opel Hatry plan and construction article. A 15 inch span scale model, for Jetex 50 power.

Build a model of the world's first jet. The Opel Hatry, by Walt Musciano.

On September 30th 1929, at Frankfort-on-Main, observers had the unique experience of watching what appeared to be a secondary glider, mounted on a launching ramp, belching smoke from the end of its nacelle and slowly gathering speed - just airborne at the end of the ramp, then accelerating rapidly to reach a final height of 50 ft. They had, in fact, witnessed the first piloted jet aircraft to fly, with Fritz von Opel at the controls.

The aircraft was a special design - not a converted glider - built by Julius Hatry. Professor Sander designed and made the rocket motor, consisting of five separate units fired one after the other. Flight duration was short but the machine flew, even if Opel did have difficulty in keeping it under control as speed built up to a maximum of 90 mph.

Construction of this authentic scale model is extremely straight-forward. Use light wood throughout, except for the booms. These were hard quarter-grain stock on the originial. If your prefer you can use larger material (eg 3/16 x 3/32), but keep the total weight of the model down as much as you can.

First job is to scale up the plan, using the 1/2 in grid for reference. The wing is built flat over the plan, cracked at the centre and cemented to the correct dihedral. The tail-plane is fiat, without dihedral.

The fuselage nacelle is assembled by cutting two sides from light 1/32 in sheet and cementing to the formers. Then complete the top and bottom sheeting, also the sides of the cabane. The noseblock is carved from solid balsa.
Keywords: opel hatry jetex 50 walter musciano
Date: 04.03.2021 22:47
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