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Description: Translated from Le Modèle Réduit d'Avion, May 1953 (p. 9)

As soon as Jetex motors came on the scene, I was excited by the fresh opportunities they opened up for aeromodelling. I built the models published in Le Modèle Réduit d'Avion for the Jetex 50. After this, I was keen to have a go at designing a model for this motor myself. The result is the plan presented here.

It's called Puk. It's simplicity itself to construct and flies beautifully (and even acrobatically).


Make the fuselage of 3 mm balsa. Strengthen the nose with two additional 1 mm laminations. Fix in place a 2 mm hardwood platform for the motor mount. Use .2 mm acetate to form the cabin.

The wing is made up of 7 1 mm ribs, with 2 × 2 balsa leading edge and spar. The wingtip is 2 mm soft balsa, cut to shape. Cover with light Japanese tissue and give it one coat of dope. The wing is glued directly to the fuselage, with a 6 cm dihedral.

Cut the stabiliser from a single piece to start with, then separate it in two down the centre and rejoin the two halves with a 3.5 cm dihedral at the tips. Glue it to the fuselage.


Following 5 seconds of pretty rapid vertical ascent, the dance begins and continues at an ever increasing rate - making wide loops, rocketing upwards, flying inverted, and all this at high speed (around 40 km/h).

When the Jetex fuel is exhausted, Puk has reached a height of about 20 m. It quickly recovers a stable flying position and takes 40 to 50 seconds to descend in an even glide (if you take care to build it as light as possible, this phase can be extended to a minute).

P.S. During the initial flight, I panicked when the wings parted from the fuselage – be thorough with your gluing and good luck!
Keywords: puk jetex 50
Date: 03.01.2021 05:01
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